Once upon a time, a fountain was a very formal affair. But now, natural-looking fountains are opening up a new world of water features. The only limit is your imagination. Whether it’s big or small, subtle or showy, Top Seed Lawn Care can create the ideal fountainscape for you.
Fountains are the ultimate accent. They’re low maintenance and make an entry, patio, or deck come alive with sound and movement. And, since they take up very little space, fountains can work just about anywhere.
Fountains are a great way to dip your toe into the water feature world. They’re also an easy option for people who don’t have room for a pond or pondless waterfall. Even the smallest fountain can transform a space, making it tranquil and unique.
Many of our clients tuck a small urn or vase fountain into their landscaping for extra interest. Basalt stone fountains – either a single or a cluster – are popular as well. And stacked slate spheres and urns give any space a dramatic but natural flair.
Fountains let you design your environment, no matter where you are. Running water can make even a tiny courtyard or a cramped patio feel like an oasis. They can also act as a focal point for a larger landscape. But no matter where you install a fountain, you’re creating peace and beauty.